Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Always a much anticipated event, we had a fun Halloween. The girls each carved two pumpkins all on their own. Thankfully the rain stopped for the trick or treaters. Later that evening, Simon played drums and a DJ set at a local bar. Madeline the pirate ghost. Emily as...
Salmon trip

Salmon trip

We went to the Adams River to see the spawning salmon. Adams River sockeye travel from their spawning grounds to the South Thompson River, then into the Fraser River, and enter the Pacific. From the Strait of Georgia, they spend three years in the open ocean following...
Banner Painting 2016

Banner Painting 2016

Well, it’s that time of year again where our little artists create beautiful banners to be put up on our light posts downtown. This year’s theme is “Weather and our Environment”. Emily and Maddie are seasoned pros now; this being their fourth...