Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande

For Christmas we gave the girls tickets to see their favourite singer, Ariana Grande. The accessible seats were sold out so I bought 3 so Simon could take them. Lucky for him, his cousin Cathy offered to make it a “girls night out” and took them to the...
Spring Break

Spring Break

We are very lucky and grateful to be able to visit our aunt and uncle’s house on Gabriola Island. It’s so great to get a dose of spring when there is still 5′ of snow on the ground in Revelstoke. Exploring during low tide… Drawing and painting...
Family help

Family help

We’ve had a number of visits from family members in Vancouver. The support we are getting from them and our fellow Revelstokians is amazing. Our family enjoyed the first lunch together in the house. Two and a half generations of Hunts. The ladies were busy...


To start off the Christmas season, Emily and Maddie made these Santa hat brownies for a local charity bake sale. Over the holidays, we travelled to Vancouver too see our family. Actually, we managed to see every single member of the Hunt-Kerfoot clan except...