Revy Carvers

Revy Carvers

Emily’s group (she is out of picture) drop into North Bowl through the chute above the girl on the right, these kids are hot little skiers! Emily (2nd from left) and her ski group…
Racer Emily

Racer Emily

Emily went in her first ski race today. Although slightly nervous, she quickly realised that it was lots of fun. She placed third among her Revelstoke peers, but not overall. After the awards ceremony, a gelatto for our super skier girls ended the fun race...
Racer Maddie

Racer Maddie

Maddie participated in a local ski race today. Her skiing has improved by leaps and bounds this season. She has a lot of fun going fast. A big smile for dad!
The Snow Queen

The Snow Queen

The Revelstoke Theatre Company was looking for some help with their latest production, so I volunteered to create the poster and program. I put together this collage using 8 different images. The girls and I attended the play and it was a top notch production put on...
The kittens are out

The kittens are out

Spring has sprung in the valley bottom in Revelstoke. Our kittens are now in their eighth month and are getting pretty big. As we suspected, we are not able to keep them indoors, I am just too slow in and out of doorways. So they are spending more and more time...
My Birthday

My Birthday

Another trip around the sun has begun for me, on this year of the sheep. According to Chinese astrology, I was born on a sheep year too, so this should be a good one! Simon did not disappoint, and made the ever-evolving best Black Forest cake ever!! This year we are...