

Although it is always hard to come to an end to one’s travels, we were very excited to come back to Canada. I can’t say why exactly we were so excited, perhaps it’s the familiarity of being surrounded by English-speaking people, or perhaps the knowledge that we are in a relatively safe environment, but definitely coming home to mom’s cooking is always a treat!
Our travels have not ended yet, we spent a week in Toronto visiting friends and relatives. We visited the McMichael Gallery, which has a large number of paintings by the Group of Seven. Lawren Harris is one of my favourite painters. This modern interpretation of a totem pole was quite interesting.
Modern totem
Simon had a jam night with our friend Carl, while our kids played with theirs. We never would have imagined this scenario way back when Carl and I were in college together!
The girls had a chance to play with more children of our friends, which is always a bonus for all of us.
Also not previously imaginable is Simon’s past fire crew-mate, Dean, reading bedtime stories to all of our girls. Life is so full of irony!
Bedtime stories

2 Comments to


  1. On March 16th, 2011 at 9:38 am Katrina Says:

    YAH YAH YAH YAHHHH so close yet still so far away…can’t wait to see you all. Welcome back to this side of the globe!

  2. On March 16th, 2011 at 1:12 pm Carol Says:

    I can’t believe that you ‘ll be in Vancouver in a week’s time. There are a lot of people who are getting very excited at the prospect of seeing all of you! Pops enjoyed his birthday serenade immensely. xoxoxo from both of us.

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