Getting closer to home…


We said good-bye to family and friends in Toronto and headed west.

We were eagerly awaited by loving family in Vancouver. We had a get-together the next day and it was another wonderful Hunt-Kerfoot celebration. The guys are gettin’ their man on with this great looking hunk o’ beef.

We had a great meal, topped off with these cute cakes:

All this celebrating can be pretty tiring for a jet-lagged three year old…

But it’s always fun hanging out with other kids, espcially their friend Imogen.
3 girls

Hunt Adventures in China


For those of you who have not heard, Simon has finished the first of his films documenting our Chinese exploits. Make sure you plug in your headphones or TURN UP the speakers, because it’s rockin!!!
Click here to watch it!
Coolest tunnel ever

Packed up and ready to go.


DONE! All of the packing, the stress of choosing which of our worldly possessions (or favourite clothes at least) to bring on our journey, is over! I have to say it wasn’t easy, and if not for the help of my friends Kari, Lea and Dana, it would not have come together. Thanks to them and to Rudy and Dean for helping out with the more masculine side of things.

We had a great week in Vancouver, not one but two engagement parties were on our to-do list. We ran around and did a little shopping, it’s always dangerous going to MEC before a big trip. Got a parking ticket outside of MEC, boo; but narrowly escaped getting the truck towed, yay! Forgot about that 3pm lane opening thing on Broadway, silly tourists we are.

The two parties were a blast, the first one was for Cameron (Simon’s brother) and Johanna. Most of the Hunt clan showed up and had a great time. I would say the poultry, pimp, pirate game was the highlight; just like paper rock scissors except with hats and other props. The second party was for our newest brother in our ever expanding family, Mike, and his fiance, Becky. Some good fun and good food there as well.

The weather on the weekend was spectacular so we had BBQ picnics at Spanish banks both evenings. The tide was in so no fun in the mud flats but the girls loved playing in the sand.